AtTention. Complicities of Moving Bodies je koreografski projekat izgrađen na raskrsnici dva ključna koncepta: pažnje, kao selektivnog i usmerenog oblika razmišljanja, i tela, kao medija/prostora praktičnih i teorijskih susreta u plesu, pozorištu, vizuelnim umetnostima i filmu. Projekat predlaže strukturisani format praksi i umetničkih proizvoda (izvođačke šetnje, radionice, teorijska predavanja, performanse) koji kolektivno obrađuju savremene teme kroz/o/za telo.
Program će se održavati u periodu od 9. – 11. oktobra u prostoru Klare i Rose (Šandora Petefija 15). Program je na engleskom jeziku.
Moć ranjivosti | Sreda, 9. oktobar u 18h – radionica @Klara i Rosa
Tela u pokretu | Četvrtak, 10. oktobar u 15h – radionica @Klara i Rosa
Rad, emocije i energija ulaze u bar | Petak 11. oktobar u 19.30 – performans @Klara i Rosa
Hipersenzorno telo – Načini slušanja i obraćanja pažnje | Petak 11. oktobar u 11h – performativna šetnja i razgovor @Klara i Rosa
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AtTention. Complicities of Moving Bodies is a choreographic project built at the intersection of two key concepts: attention, as a selective and directive form of thinking, and the body, as a medium/space of practical and theoretical intersections in dance, theater, visual arts, and film. The project proposes a structured format of practices and artistic products (performative walks, workshops, theoretical lectures, performances) that collectively address contemporary themes through/about/for the body. It encourages collaboration between artists and mediates an interdisciplinary understanding of the subject.
The program will take place from October 9th to 11th at Klara and Rosa (Šandora Petefija 15). The program will be in English.
The Power of Vulnerability | Wednesday, October 9th at 6 PM – workshop @Klara and Rosa
Bodies in Motion | Thursday, October 10th, 3PM – Workshop @Klara i Rosa
Work, Emotions, and Energy Enter a Bar | Friday, October 11th at 7:30 PM – performance @Klara and Rosa
The Hipersensorial Body | Ways of Listening and Paying Attention | Friday, October 11th at 11 AM – performative walk & talk @Klara and Rosa