Koncert // Šumski

Event Details

… jedan od najpoznatijih alternativnih bendova u Hrvatskoj…




U subotu, 5. oktobra 2024, u 20 časova, u prostoru Klare i Rose (Petefi Šandora 15), ugostićemo jedan od najpoznatijih alternativnih bendova u Hrvatskoj – Šumski.
Ulaz: 400 rsd
Osnovani u Zagrebu 1991. godine, od samog početka su zapaženi kao jedna od najneobičnijih grupa na sceni. Svojim nastupom i inspiracijom daleko izvan popularnih žanrovskih okvira tog vremena, Šumski je stvorio sopstveni muzički pejzaž, pun eksperimenata i neočekivanih aranžmana, u okviru kojeg su kraut rok, world music, psihodelija, novi talas, zvučni zapisi za animacije, noise, avant -pop i elektronika podjednako zauzimaju svoje mesto. Njihov „zvuk bez granica“ je sličan Canu, Faustu, Blurtu, Kapetanu Bifhartu, ali i filmovima Žaka Tatija i knjigama Bleza Sendrara.




On Saturday, October 5, 2024, at 8 PM, at Klara i Rosa (Petefi Šandora 15), we will be hosting one of the most well-known alternative bands in Croatia – Šumski.

Entrance fee: 400 RSD

Founded in Zagreb in 1991, they were recognized from the start as one of the most unique groups on the scene. With performances and inspiration far beyond the popular genres of the time, Šumski created their own musical landscape, full of experimentation and unexpected arrangements. Their sound blends krautrock, world music, psychedelia, new wave, soundtracks for animations, noise, avant-pop, and electronics, all finding their place in what they describe as „music without borders.“ Their sound is often compared to Can, Faust, Blurt, and Captain Beefheart, as well as the films of Jacques Tati and the writings of Blaise Cendrars.



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